Staying Healthy at Work Starts on Your Off Hours.
What can you do for your health and wellness when you are away from the office?
Meal Prep
Meal preparation can be done quickly and easily at home once or twice a week. Being prepared before you get to the office prevents those unintended trips to the break room and vending machine where, let’s be honest, there are very few good choices.
Prepare salads in a jar, vegetables
We’ve all heard this! But it’s still true: you simply cannot maintain any level of health if you are not getting adequate sleep. Why? Sleep affects all aspects of our health! For example, lack of sleep depletes the adrenal glands which govern many aspect of our vital health. And the only way to REALLY feed and support your adrenals is by getting enough good sleep.
WHY is exercise so critical to our health? People who exercise regularly are happier, they have good energy levels, sharp minds, and strong bones. Our bodies were made to move! So move them!
People who exercise have a lower risk for:
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Type II Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Stroke
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Depression and Anxiety
- Arthritis
What gets you moving? If it’s a chore, it’s a bore and you’re not going to do it. What do you like? Are you one that loves spending time in the gym? Fit it in! What’s your favorite sport? Find a local community team and enjoy! Do you prefer the outdoors? Get on your bike or go for a hike with your family. Grab a
If you need an idea, click here.
Enjoy Your Off Time
Schedule your off time. Be intentional about it and protect it. Off time allows our minds and bodies to recharge from all the things we are making them do.
In conclusion, small changes make a big difference. There’s no need to revamp your entire life and schedule just to fit in more fitness. So what can you do today to be intentional about your health?