Crush Your Fitness Goals the SMART Way.

If you’ve ever felt the exhilarating high of setting ambitious fitness goals, only to find yourself lost in a maze of conflicting advice and stalled progress, fear not. Welcome to the game-changing world of S.M.A.R.T. fitness goal setting. If you’re looking for a way to crush your performance goals, try using the SMART method.

If you’re like most people, your New Year’s resolution for this year was to get in better shape or start a regular exercise program. Maybe this has been your resolution for the past five, maybe ten years. The problem is that resolutions are hard to keep and often don’t even last a month. But there’s no need to give up! With some planning and effort, you can crush your fitness goals the SMART way.

Broad goals without a strategy are less likely to lead to success. Because many people set goals in a vague and unproductive way and before they know it, those new year goals go right down the drain along with the enthusiasm to make new ones.

This is why we suggest trying the SMART method. It’s used widely in business and wellness circles, to formulate and execute winning results. The smart acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Apply your goals to this template, and you will be on a winning path!

By setting goals we can maintain better health.  Staying on track with both health and fitness goals benefits us in many ways including having better overall health as we age. That is why we created Now is the Time: Make Room for the Best You Fitness Planner and Journal. 

Now is the Time Fitness Journal and Planner. This planner is free to download for subscribers and is ideal for maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Ready. Set. Smart Fitness GOALS!

To get started, keep a few things in mind to help yourself stay motivated on your fitness journey and to crush your fitness goals:

1. First, make sure that you’re working towards the right goals. If your goal is weight loss, make sure that you’re eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly.

2. Make sure you’re consistently working towards those goals. If you miss a day or a week, don’t let that deter you. Get back on track the next day or week.

3. Set realistic goals for your health and where you are currently in your life. Your exercise plan is for your health, no one else’s.

4. If you haven’t been active, don’t expect to be able to do push-ups immediately. Start by doing a set of 5 knee push-ups and gradually increase the number as you become stronger.

5. Finally, make sure to keep track of your progress so you can take the wins. Let your progress count!

Our Fitness Planner and Journal starts by walking you through the SMART method for goal setting followed by multiple pages for tracking progress. 

Crush Your Fitness Goals Using the SMART Method. SMART Chart. Download Our Free Fitness Planner and Journal to Get Started Today!

Let’s Crush Your Fitness Goals The SMART Way

If your fitness plan is to increase your activity level this year, you need to deep-dive to get to the heart of how to make your goal a reality.

Now, Let’s look through the SMART strategy using some real-life examples, including increasing our activity levels, so we can move through the planning and into the action phase.

Understanding Specific Goals

Specific. Make a goal. Break your goal down into smaller goals. Include more manageable and specific steps.

Setting specific fitness goals is crucial in embarking on a successful fitness journey. Whether your aim is to shed unwanted pounds or sculpt lean muscle, clearly defining what you want to achieve sets the groundwork for progress. Specificity provides direction and clarity, helping you focus your efforts efficiently towards a particular outcome. 

For example, if someone simply says they want to “get fit,” that goal lacks specificity and can lead to confusion about how to reach that vague objective. On the other hand, stating an exact target like “I want to lose 15 pounds in three months” gives a clear roadmap of what needs to be accomplished.

Rather than simply saying, “I’m going to exercise more,” say “I plan to use two different pieces of my home gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 30 minutes each day”. OR “I plan to work on my strength training for 20 minutes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and I plan to do 20 minutes of balance training Tuesday and Thursday.”

Specific objectives instead of vague goals 

Having specific objectives instead of vague goals in your fitness journey also brings numerous benefits beyond just guidance. Clear goals provide motivation by giving you something concrete to work towards and celebrate once achieved. It helps in tracking progress more effectively as you can measure your success against the precise benchmarks you have set. Moreover, specific goals enable you to break down the larger overarching goal into smaller, manageable targets, making the process less overwhelming and more attainable.

Examples of specific fitness goals can vary based on individual preferences and aspirations. Some common examples include:

  1. Aiming to run a 10k race in under an hour.
  2. Being able to perform ten consecutive pull-ups
  3. Improving flexibility enough to touch toes without discomfort
  4. Reducing body fat percentage by 5% within six months

These specific targets are unique to each person’s desires and abilities. They share the common thread of being well-defined and measurable. By honing in on achievable goals in your fitness endeavors, you set yourself up for focused dedication and tangible results along the way towards crushing your ultimate objectives.

Progress with Measurable Goals


In the realm of fitness goal setting, measurable goals act as the compass guiding individuals towards their desired outcomes. By establishing tangible benchmarks such as tracking weight loss, increasing reps during strength training, or improving cardiovascular endurance, individuals can effectively monitor their progress. These measurable metrics not only provide clear indicators of advancement but also serve as motivation boosters by showcasing concrete evidence of hard work paying off. Seeing incremental improvements in performance serves as a powerful motivator. It encourages individuals to stay on track, knowing that their efforts are yielding results.

When it comes to measuring fitness accomplishments, variety is key. 

While stepping on the scale might be a common method for many looking to shed pounds, it’s essential to diversify measurement tools for a more comprehensive view of progress. For instance, using body measurements like waist circumference alongside weighing yourself can offer a more holistic understanding of body changes. Additionally, tracking workout performance by noting increases in lifting weights or running distances provides quantifiable proof of strength and endurance gains over time. The multiplicity of measurement avenues not only adds depth to progress evaluation but also ensures a well-rounded approach to fitness assessment.

Setting measurable goals not only enhances motivation but also instills a sense of accountability in individuals pursuing their fitness aspirations. When specific targets are quantified – whether aiming to reach a certain weight or accomplish a set number of workouts per week – there’s a heightened responsibility to stay committed and consistent. The tangibility of these goals creates a sense of ownership over one’s journey. It pushes individuals to put in the necessary effort needed for success. Moreover, sharing these measurable objectives with support systems like a personal trainer or workout buddies fosters an environment where others can help celebrate achievements and provide encouragement during challenging times, further reinforcing commitment to the established process goals.

Download Our FREE Fitness Journal

You can also download our fitness planner and journal for free by clicking here or on the graphic below. There you will find several pages to track your goals and measure your progress. Oh, did we mention? It’s free. Created just for you with our team of fitness experts.

Crush Your Fitness Goals Using the SMART Method. SMART Chart. Download Our Free Fitness Planner and Journal to Get Started Today!

Attainable Goals


When it comes to setting fitness goals, ensuring attainability is crucial for a long-term goal and success. Realistic expectations play a significant role in the pursuit of health and wellness goals. It’s important to strike a balance between ambition and practicality when crafting your objectives. 

For example, aiming to run a marathon without prior training. This might be an overzealous goal that can lead to burnout or injury. Instead, starting with smaller milestones. Like running a 5k race in a few months. This can make the goal more achievable while still pushing your limits.

Pave the way toward your ultimate fitness destination

Setting attainable milestones is like creating steppingstones that pave the way toward your ultimate fitness destination. These mini-goals help break down the journey into manageable parts, making progress feel tangible and rewarding. For instance, if your overarching goal is weight loss, setting monthly targets for pounds to shed or inches to lose allows you to track your advancement effectively. By celebrating these incremental victories along the way, you stay motivated and engaged in the process.

Balancing challenge with achievability is key in goal-setting. While it’s essential to push yourself beyond your comfort zone to grow physically and mentally, setting unattainable goals can lead to frustration and demotivation. Consider tailoring your goals based on your current fitness level, lifestyle constraints, and available resources. 

If you know you consistently have other commitments on Wednesday nights, don’t create a goal that says you will be at the gym on those nights. Choosing something that you know you can commit to will help you avoid a roadblock.

This personalized approach ensures that you are challenged enough to progress but not overwhelmed by unrealistic expectations. Remember, the journey towards optimal fitness should be demanding yet sustainable for lasting results.

Relevance: Navigating the Why in Fitness Goals


Understanding the relevance of your objectives can be a game-changer. Connecting your personal values and aspirations to your fitness goals not only adds depth to your journey but also enhances long term commitment. 

For example, if you aim is to lose weight. Knowing why shedding those pounds is important to you can provide powerful motivation. Like improving health markers to lead a more active life with loved ones. Or boosting self-confidence, intertwining these personal reasons with your fitness targets gives them a meaningful purpose.

The significance of relevance in sustaining commitment cannot be overstated.

When your fitness goals resonate with your core values and aspirations, they become integral parts of your lifestyle rather than temporary pursuits. This alignment fosters an intrinsic drive that propels you through challenges and setbacks, keeping you dedicated even when motivation wanes. By bridging the gap between what matters most to you and your fitness ambitions, you create a strong foundation for sustainable progress.

Going to the gym is a great place to get in more exercise and is a totally relevant goal. However, make sure you have a good plan of what you will do once you get there. Are you there to take a group fitness class? If you plan to work out on the gym floor, you may need to write up a workout plan ahead of time so you can make the best use of your time while you are there.

Maybe going to the gym is too intimidating or time-consuming so that doesn’t feel relevant to you. We get it. We don’t want that to be your hang-up. That is why we have created a complete line of Smart Self-Guided equipment. You can create a fitness routine using the movements printed right on the equipment. This takes all the guesswork out of what to do next.

Setting Time-Bound Goals for Success

Time-bound. It’s helpful to Include an endpoint in goal setting. By implementing timelines, individuals can create a sense of urgency and structure that propels them closer to their goals. Whether aiming to run a 5k in a certain time frame or achieve a specific weightlifting milestone by a set deadline, establishing concrete time constraints adds accountability and focus to one’s fitness pursuits. 

For instance, setting a goal of increasing weekly workout sessions from three to five within two months not only provides a clear target but also instills the motivation to stay on track due to the impending timeframe.

Manageable Milestones

Strategies for setting meaningful deadlines vary based on individual preferences and objectives. One approach is to break down larger fitness goals into smaller, manageable milestones with a realistic time frame. This method allows for incremental progress evaluation and adjustment if necessary. Another effective strategy involves aligning these time frames with external events like races or competitions, providing tangible dates to work towards. By linking specific fitness achievements with calendar deadlines, individuals can create a sense of purpose and excitement throughout their fitness journeys.

Harnessing urgency through time-bound objectives is essential for maintaining momentum and dedication towards fitness aspirations. When goals have associated deadlines, each day becomes an opportunity to make progress instead of procrastination. The pressure of impending timelines can serve as a powerful motivator to push beyond comfort zones and take consistent action towards desired outcomes. Embracing this sense of urgency fosters discipline, resilience, and ultimately leads individuals closer to realizing their full potential in the realm of health and wellness.

Go back to looking at your specific goal. If it was, for example, to use two new pieces of equipment on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You would now add a timeframe you want to hit your goal, such as “For the months of January, February, and March.”

Once you hit the end of the set amount of time, reevaluate. Then set a new bigger goal and adjust for what you learned in the process.

Putting It All Together: Your Path to Fitness Success. 

Remember that success lies in staying SMART. By combining Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound elements into your goal planning, you are setting yourself up for sustainable progress and longterm success. Think of these elements not as individual components but as pieces of a puzzle. They fit together to create a powerful roadmap towards achieving your best self.

Using the SMART framework allows you to set clear objectives. It keeps track of your progress effectively. Maintains realistic expectations. Connects with what truly matters to you and establishes meaningful deadlines that propel you forward. By embracing the SMART approach wholeheartedly, you are unlocking the potential within yourself to crush any fitness goal you set out to achieve. 

Remember, it’s not just about reaching the destination! It’s about enjoying every step of the transformative process that leads you towards becoming the strongest version of yourself. Both inside and out.

Set a goal and strive to complete it. A healthy lifestyle includes having a positive attitude and encouraging yourself to push forward. So be sure to give yourself the wins when you hit those goals. If you have not met your goal don’t beat yourself up, that will just keep you from moving forward. Find ways to celebrate every little win. Maybe your goals include how you will celebrate your hard work. 

Using the SMART method is a great way to learn how to set your fitness goals and make them happen.

Here is what you will get in our FREE Fitness Planner and Journal:

  • Motivational Wall Art
  • Personal Motivation Journal Page
  • SMART Goal Education Page
  • SMART Goals Setting Pages
  • Action Takers Journal Page
  • Undated Calendar with Goal Boxes
  • Workout Reflection Journal Page
  • 4 Fitness Planner Pages
  • My Fitness Goal Tracking Sheet
  • 4 Workout Log Pages
  • Measurement Tracker
  • Let’s Stay Connected Social Media Network Page

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Crush Your Fitness Goals Using the SMART Method. SMART Chart. Download Our Free Fitness Planner and Journal to Get Started Today!

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