5 Tips to Transition from Road to Trail Running
1. Get new Shoes Sure, you can take your regular running shoes out to any flat, wide, dirt trail, but if you plan to up the adventure, you may want to invest in some…
1. Get new Shoes Sure, you can take your regular running shoes out to any flat, wide, dirt trail, but if you plan to up the adventure, you may want to invest in some…
Your backside is made up of three of the largest and strongest muscles in your body: the glute maximum, glute medius, and glute minimus, commonly referred to as just “the glutes.” These glute muscles…
As tempting as it is to skip the cool down at the end of a brutal workout, there are reasons that you should make it a part of your standard routine. A proper cool…
Plus, a Leg Recovery Workout for Trail runners! Trail running is defined by the ITRA (International Trail Running Association) as surfaces with less than 20% concrete or asphalt and can include varying terrains of…
1. Yoga can be done anywhere. One of yoga’s benefits is it can literally be done anywhere. Nature can enhance your yoga practice in a different way than an indoor classroom can. Whether you…
The short answer is yes. Many people starting a fitness program will jump in and learn to lift before the core is strong. If they lack the strength to perform these lifts correctly, their…
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