why being healthy and fit is so important for kids

As parents, we want our children to be healthy and fit for their whole lives. However, with busy schedules and never-ending to-do lists, it’s hard to keep life-long health front and center in our goals – for us or our kids. The importance of raising active kids cannot be overstated.

Today’s kids have a lot of digital distractions and as a result, they have more sedentary lifestyles. The healthy habits children form in their formative years can impact their physical health and well-being throughout their lives. From reducing the risk of chronic diseases to fostering cognitive development, staying active as a kid is not just about maintaining physical fitness – it’s a crucial component of life-long health.

Research has shown that children who engage in regular physical activity are more likely to grow into healthy adults with lower obesity rates, heart disease, and other health problems. Beyond the physical benefits, being active also promotes mental well-being and social skills, setting the stage for a fulfilling and balanced life ahead. Join us as we explore the numerous reasons why prioritizing an active lifestyle for our kids is key to ensuring a healthier future for generations to come.

Tips to Ensure Kids Stay Active

Busy schedules and constant demands on their time don’t have to be an obstacle. We can ensure our children are getting the physical activity they need. Here are a few tips:

1. Start small 

If your child isn’t naturally into team sports or aerobic activity, this is a great time to show them that physical movement doesn’t have to be something they dread. Start with a simple activity like walking around the block to discover nature. Gradually challenge them with positive ways to increase by adding more activities they enjoy. 

2. Get creative 

There are plenty of fun and creative ways to get your child moving outside of traditional exercise classes or clubs. Play into their curiosity with activities such as a treasure hunt, a dance party, a game of tag, or hide-and-seek. Choose physical activities you can do as a whole family. If they see you are excited, they will be excited, too.

3. Stay active 

If you feel like your child is already on the go, try setting up a family sports day. Make being active fun for kids. This can be as simple as an afternoon of soccer or playing catch in the yard. Have all the children pitch in to help plan the fun. Another easy way to burn energy and stay active is by visiting a local playground and allowing your kiddos free play. From monkey bars to wall climbs that are common on today’s playgrounds, kids can get in their 60 minutes of play while having a great time. 

4. Start Early 

The best way for kids to see the importance of staying active is to get them involved in physical activity from early childhood. Regular exercise benefits the whole family. Children of active parents have the great advantage of seeing their parents be an example of health. Even small amounts of activity will help keep them active and fit as they grow older. Check out some local events such as participating in family fun runs, bike rides, or hikes. 

We Offer Two Great Resources from Our Prism Fitness Team of Experts

We have two created expert resources to help ensure you have active and healthy kids throughout the year. Our Start Healthy, Stay Healthy Binder, works great for homeschool families, afterschool programs, and families that want to help their kids keep moving all school year.

We also have the Summer Get Healthy Challenge for Kids that we know your family will love. You can find it at the bottom of this post or sign up here.

Start Healthy Stay Healthy Kids Challenge Binder. Free Download with Email Sign Up. Over 25 pages of Health and Fitness activities for kids.

Exercise Ideas to Get Your Kids Active

Here are 3 types of exercises that you can do with your kids to help them stay healthy and fit along with a pro tip for each.

Yoga or Flexibility Training

1. Yoga is a great exercise for kids. It’s also beneficial for adults. Yoga can help improve your flexibility and strength, as well as give you more energy throughout the day. It also helps kids get in shape and stay healthy, as well as prevent injuries and improve their balance.

Pro Tip: When the weather gets nice, it’s a great idea to take your yoga mat outdoors. Rename some of the stretches to different animals and try different poses that resemble those animals. Have the kids make up poses and name give them a name. See if you can move and bend and stretch like your kids. These are fun ways to get fresh air and help your body and mind relax.

Aerobic Exercises

2. Aerobic exercises are great for kids. They give the body a good workout and help them burn a lot of calories. They also get the heart pumping, which is important for overall health.

Pro Tip: Jump Rope. Remember as elementary-aged kids jumping rope on the playground as you sang a song. Teach your kiddos a song that helps them keep a rhythmic time and have fun while jumping. Another fun activity is creating your own pattern and working through the agility ladder. Kids love this activity!

Strength Training

3. Strength training is a great way to build muscles. It’s great for kids because it teaches them how to lift weights and use their muscles, which will help them develop as they get older.

Pro Tip: Strength Training can seem like a daunting task for kids. Consider the child’s age and start small so they aren’t overstressing their growing muscles. Hand weights while you walk or resistance bands are a great way to start at their level.

Our Start Healthy, Stay Healthy Binder has over 100 activity ideas for kids!

100 Days of Fitness Activities in the Start Healthy Stay Healthy Kids Challenge Binder. Free Download with Email Sign Up. Over 25 pages of Health and Fitness activities for kids.

What Should Kids Be Eating?

Encourage your kids to eat balanced meals throughout the day. Make sure they’re getting enough protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to stay healthy on their own terms. The #1 reason why kids get sick is that they don’t have a strong immune system.

The health benefits for children who eat well are lower rates of childhood obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Make sure your child is eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein such as chicken, fish, or meat.

You can help your kids become invested in their own healthy eating habits by teaching them what foods their bodies need daily. Help kids become invested in their own healthy choices by helping create a weekly food menu along with finding healthy snacks.

The Start Healthy Stay Healthy Kids Binder has the resources you need to help do just that. Start by creating a food journal to see what you actually eat, then find healthy recipes and create a menu together.

The American Heart Association recommends that school-aged children between 4-8 eat the following foods:

  • 2 cups milk/dairy
  • 3-4 ounces of lean meat or beans
  • 1.5 cups of fruit
  • 1-1.5 cups of veggies
  • 4-5 ounces of grains

Make sure that your kids get plenty of water. Limiting their intake of surgery drinks will not only help their teeth but will also help keep their whole bodies healthy and functioning at their best.

The Start Healthy Stay Healthy also has 40 Healthy Snack Ideas!

Activities to Help Kids Make Healthy Food Choices in the Start Healthy Stay Healthy Kids Challenge Binder. Free Download with Email Sign Up. Over 25 pages of Health and Fitness activities for kids.

Help Kids Reduce Stress

There are many things that kids are doing today that add to their levels of stress. There are several things that parents can do to help their children reduce stress.

Limit screen time! 

When children spend a lot of time using screens such as computers, video games, or TV, they don’t get enough exercise and they can develop poor eating and sleeping habits. Too much screen time can lead to sleep deprivation, which is detrimental to the body’s natural healing process.

Get enough sleep! 

According to the Sleep Foundation, the following is the recommended amount of sleep for kids from newborn to age 13.

Newborn0-3 months old14-17 hours
Infant4-11 months old12-15 hours
Toddler1-2 years old11-14 hours
Preschool3-5 years old10-13 hours
School-age6-13 years old9-11 hours

Take the lead. 

It’s important for parents to take the lead in helping their children to understand that healthy eating habits are not only good for their bodies, but also for their minds. Find time for downtime. Constantly being on the go doesn’t give your kids room to rest their bodies and minds.

Increase physical activity level. 

Is your child getting physical activity recommendations of 60 minutes of activity per day? Here is a great post that has 11 Tips to Make Fitness Fun for Kids.

Activities to Help Kids Reduce Stress in the Start Healthy Stay Healthy Kids Challenge Binder. Free Download with Email Sign Up. Over 25 pages of Health and Fitness activities for kids.

We love sharing our Start Healthy Stay Healthy Binder because it has coloring pages, drawing pages, journaling pages, and a crossword. Just what your kids need to help them find time to unwind. Click on the picture above to sign up for more tips from our team of fitness experts that are parents, like you, and who know why being healthy and fit is important for kids.

Being Healthy and Fit is Important for Kids

Engaging in regular physical activity from a young age sets the foundation for an active adulthood. Active children tend to carry these habits into adolescence and adulthood, leading to better physical and mental health outcomes. Being active outdoors helps children develop important social skills, problem-solving abilities, and resilience – qualities that are essential for navigating life’s challenges effectively as they grow older.

Staying healthy and fit is important for kids for a variety of reasons. It helps them maintain a healthy weight, have more energy, and stay focused in school. Plus, it’s a fun way for them to spend their time!

There are many ways to have active kids, and our team of experts at Prism Fitness has put together two great resources to help you get started. Check them out by clicking on one of the challenges pictured below and get your kids moving today!

Start Healthy Stay Healthy Kids Challenge Binder Free Download to new Subscribers

Please Note: To get the challenge, click on each link. Don’t worry, you will only be subscribed once.

Summer Active Kids Challenge Journal Details

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